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Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence in New Jersey

A person should never have to live with abuse. Whether physical or mental, abuse can have negative long-term effects on a person’s life. Unfortunately, many people feel stuck in these situations, believing that they have no way out. Raising awareness of domestic violence can go a long way in preventing future cases and helping citizens of New Jersey understand that help is available in many forms.

Being in an abusive relationship can be very difficult. Believing that things will get better, or that the abuse is simply the result of stress, can cause people to stay in a harmful situation. In some cases, people believe that seeking help will only make things worse. Whatever form it takes, abuse is unhealthy, and anyone who suffers from it should seek help.

A neighboring state recently reported an increase in the number of domestic violence cases being reported. While at first, this may seem alarming, it could also be a direct result of the amount of help available. Most unreported cases of abuse are due to fear, whether fear of consequences or fear that no one can help them. Raising awareness of programs and legal options available can go a long way in helping victims of abuse to step forward and seek help.

There are many forms of protection that can be sought by someone who suffers from abuse. Restraining orders come in many forms, such as forcing the abusive person to stay away or even to cease any form of contact. In New Jersey, victims of domestic violence often speak with an attorney who is experienced in family law to explore available options to keep them safe from abuse.
